- General Order Information:
- Orders cannot be changed, modified, or canceled after checkout.
- If you have an issue with your order, you are welcome to email us at sales@giftsandthingsholdregene.com or call us at (308) 995-4300.
- Shipping Within the Continental United States
- Shipping is tiered on the total amount of your purchase and will be figured at checkout.
- Free shipping is available on orders over $150.00 before taxes.
- Expedited shipping is available at checkout for an additional cost.
- Standard shipping orders take 2 business days to be processed and packaged before shipping.
- All packages will be shipped via UPS.
- Gifts & Things is not responsible for UPS shipping delays.
- Gifts & Things is not responsible for packages that are lost or damaged by UPS during shipment.
- Please double check your address before checking out. Gifts & Things is not responsible for addresses entered incorrectly.
- Claims
- Please inspect your package thoroughly for damage upon arrival. All claims must be made within 7 days of receipt of shipment by emailing sales@giftsandthingsholdregene.com.
- Gifts & Things Return Policy
- We hope you love your purchases from Gifts & Things, however, we understand there may be a few returns. Please read carefully over our return policy.
- Our address for returns is: Gifts & Things, 505 West Ave., Holdrege, NE68949
- Returns may also be returned to the store in-person.
- All clearance and sale item purchases are FINAL and cannot be returned.
- Returns meeting the following criteria will be accepted for full credit excluding shipping:
- Products must be returned in their original packaging with all original tags on them.
- Products consisting of fabric cannot appear worn, stained, or smell of offensive odors.
- Products cannot be worn or used.
- All returns must be shipped within 15 days of receipt.
- As a small business, we are unable to absorb the cost of returns.
- All returns must include the original invoice and all correspondance (written or email) as to why the item or items are being returned.
- Gifts & Things is not responsible for lost or damaged returns during shipment.
- Returns are credited in full, excluding shipping, on the credit/debit card with which they were purchased. A refund will not take place until we have received the package and determined the reason for the return and that the above criteria are met. Please allow 5-7 days for refunds to be processed after we have received the return.
- Gift Wrapping
- Gift wrapping is one of the services we offer in-store, and our customers love it. At checkout, you may choose to have your items gift wrapped for a small charge. Please indicate which items you would like gift wrapped together, and which items you would like wrapped separately in the comment section at checkout.